New Albany-Floyd County Public Library Offers Winter Reading Club for Children, Teens, and Adults

The New Albany-Floyd County Public Library is offering Winter Reading Club programs for individuals of all ages, beginning Monday, December 1. There are 3 separate programs for children, teens, and adults. The Winter Reading Club provides an engaging opportunity for New Albany and Floyd County residents to read, awarding participants with prizes for meeting their goal.

The Children’s Winter Reading Club and Teen Winter Reading Club will run from December 1 through January 31. The Children’s Winter Reading Club is geared towards children in Pre-K through 5th grade. Interested participants and parents can visit the Children’s Room to sign up and pick up a game board, which will be used to track progress and reward children with prizes. The Teen Winter Reading Club is aimed at individuals in grades 6 through 12 and will offer a grand prize of a $50 Amazon gift card, in addition to rewards for meeting book goals. Participants can sign up for this program at Reference Services Desk.

Adults can enjoy their own Winter Reading Club, which will run for an extended period from December through February 28. The Adult Winter Reading Club challenges participants to read and review books. The program will offer weekly prize drawings. Mini prizes include a tote bag with select gift items. Grand prizes include a fleece blanket, quilt, and more. Adults can sign up for the program through the library’s website or by visiting the Reference Services Desk at the library.


Contacts for Winter Reading Club Programs

Abby Johnson, Children’s Services ManagerChildrens-Winter-Reading---FB

(812) 949-3528




Teen Winter Reading ClubRenata Sancken, Teen Services Librarian





Adult Winter Reading ClubLori Eskridge, Reference Services Librarian
