Have you ever found yourself in need of an audiobook to help distract you from the boring goings on in your life? Maybe something that isn’t part of your normal reading routine? I found myself in this position a few days ago. I’m not saying I was at work, but maybe I was. I logged into the library’s Overdrive system to see what new and exciting treasure I might find. Low and behold, the answer to the prayers I wasn’t actually praying: scrappy little nobody by Anna Kendrick (and read by the author). You don’t know this, but Anna Kendrick is my spirit animal (so is Melissa Wiseheart, but that’s a whole other post). I’m not even a third of the way through the recording, but I can tell you, it’s AMAZING!!

Anna brings her book to life in a way that makes you forget it was ever a book. Her humor is sharp, and her inner dialogue witty and hilarious! It’s easy for most of us to see celebrities in a romantic light. Not an I-wanna-date-you romantic (though I wouldn’t say no to a date with Anna, but I digress), but more like an I-assume-your-life-is-perfect-and-you’re-perfect idea – you know, like rose colored glasses. Anyway, Anna gets real and blunt about her life, how she got into singing, acting, theater and a short-lived thievery stage. She shows you the person that is Anna Kendrick, not just the actress we’ve come to love.

So, if you’re sitting at work, school, the office home or driving and need a light-hearted pick-me-up kind of audiobook, then I suggest grabbing a copy of this one.
