Library Director Rose Frost has announced that the New Albany-Floyd County Public Library will be migrating to a new integrated library system the week of August 12-16, 2013. The integrated library system (ILS) is the computer software that the library staff uses to check books in and out, print notices, and the online computer catalog that patrons use to look up books and other materials. The library has been on the same ILS for more than 20 years. The library will be closed on Sunday, August 11, Monday, August 12, and Tuesday, August 13 so that the new software can be installed and configured. There will also be intensive staff training on the 12th and 13th. The library will reopen on Wednesday, August 14 at 9:00 AM with the new ILS in place. The new ILS is called Library Solution 2 and is sold and supported by The Library Corporation (TLC) in Inwood, West Virginia.Uggs Outlet.

Current library card holders will be able to keep their same library cards. Information about holds, items checked out, addresses and phone numbers will be transferred automatically from the old Horizon system to the new TLC software

This process has been ongoing since the beginning of the year. Several members of the staff were involved in developing criteria for a new system, viewing demonstrations, and evaluating features. TLC’s Library Solution 2 was selected for the NAFC Library because it offers:

  • a user-friendly interface
  • email and text message capabilities
  • e-commerce so that patrons can pay their fees and fines with credit and/or debit cards wither online from home, using a mobile app, or paying at the library
  • a special graphical card catalog for children

Library staff will be available to help library users with the new system throughout the transition.Cheap Uggs.