Expand your reading horizons with the New Albany-Floyd County Public Library’s Reading Without Walls program this fall. This program was originally created by the National Ambassador for Children’s Literature Gene Yang.

He challenges us to “read without walls” in any of three ways:

1) Read a book about a character who doesn’t look like you or live like you
2) Read a book about a topic you don’t know much about
3) Read a book in a format you don’t normally choose (for example, a graphic novel, audio book or a picture book).

To participate in the Reading Without Walls program, visit https://nafclibrary.beanstack.org/ and create an account, or log in to your existing account (if you created an account for the Summer Reading Program this year, you’re all set!). All ages are welcome to participate.

Choose any two of the four activities listed to complete the Reading Without Walls program and earn a multilingual READ wristband and 5 Fine Bucks. Fine Bucks can be used to pay library fines for overdue or lost materials. Upon completion of the program, these rewards can picked up at the Reference Services, Teen, or Children’s Desks.