If you have questions, call the Customer Service Desk at 812-949-3522.
Academic Research

– Academic Research Premier: covers the many academic disciplines offered in colleges. Includes PDF backfiles for over one hundred journals and searchable cited references.
– ERIC.: the Education Resource Information Center provides access to information from journals included in the Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in Education Index.
– Data Axle Reference Solutions – Previously known as ReferenceUSA, this online tool gives library patrons and business owners access to data on over 17 million businesses and 320 million consumers.
– Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia: over 25,000 records covering an array of topics. Includes images, brief biographies, and information in a variety of subject areas.
– Inspire: offers commercial databases and other resources for Indiana residents. This database is limited to Indiana residents.
– Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts: Subject coverage includes librarianship, classification, cataloging, bibliometrics, online information retrieval, information management and more.
– MasterFILE Premier: provides full text for magazines, reference books, and primary source documents, plus an Image Collection.
– ReferenceUSA (now called Data Axle Reference Solutions): This database contains detailed information on more than 13 million U.S. and Canadian businesses, and 113 million U.S. and Canadian residents.
– TOPICsearch: Explore current social, political & economic issues, scientific discoveries and other popular topics, including controversial opinions and viewpoints.
Auto & Engines

– Auto Repair Source: contains do-it-yourself repair and maintenance information on most major manufacturers of domestic and imported vehicles. Content has been created by ASE certified technicians.
– Chilton Library: The Library no longer provides access to Chilton Library and would encourage those looking for car repair information to check out Auto Repair Source.
– Driving-Test.org: Free Indiana DMV permit practice tests. Includes permit test, driver’s license test, and senior citizens’ refresher test.
– Fueleconomy.gov: The official US government source for fuel economy information and can be used to compare cars and estimate fuel costs per model, along with the latest news in the automotive industry on how to keep fuel costs down.
– Small Engine Repair Reference Center: provides users with detailed, yet user-friendly repair guides for all manner of small engines.
Business & Career

– Corporate ResourceNET: contains articles from nearly 1,350 magazines and journals.
– Data Axle Reference Solutions – Previously known as ReferenceUSA, this online tool gives library patrons and business owners access to data on over 17 million businesses and 320 million consumers.
– Health Business FullTEXT: over 130 journals for hospital administrators and managers. Topics include staffing, health care regulation, facilities management, marketing, finance and more.
– Inspire: offers commercial databases and other resources for Indiana residents. This database is limited to Indiana residents.
– Professional Development Collection: education journals, peer-reviewed title, and educational reports for professional educators.
– Regional Business News: covers regional business publications for the U.S. and Canada. Includes newspapers, trade publications, radio & TV news transcripts, and newswires.
– Vocational and Career Collection: covers trade and industry-related periodicals.

– Ancestry Library Edition (inside the library only): the leading resource for pursuing family history research online. Ancestry connects Internet users to the most comprehensive online genealogical resources available.
– HeritageQuest Online: search US Federal censuses, over 20,000 books, and the genealogy and local history magazine index PERSI.
Health & Medicine

– Biomedical Reference Collection: Basic: access over 100 biomedical research journals, covering a range of disciplines including medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine and pre-clinical sciences, as well as structured research evaluating current and past health care systems.
– ConsumerSafety.org: Informs people about recalls and safety alerts, and publishes consumer-related news and safety guides.
– Health Business FullTEXT: over 130 journals for hospital administrators and managers. Topics include staffing, health care regulation, facilities management, marketing, finance and more.
– Health Source: Consumer Edition: over 75 consumer health magazines, plus health-related pamphlets and health reference books.
– Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition: over 500 scholarly journals focusing on many medical disciplines. Nursing and allied health focus.
– MEDLINE: Contains citations and abstracts for biomedical and health journals used by health care professionals, nurses, clinicians and researchers engaged in clinical care, public health and health policy development. Created by the U.S. National Library of medicine.
Kids & Teens

– Middle Search Plus: contains full text for a variety of popular middle school magazines. Articles are assigned a reading level indicator (Lexiles). Includes biographies and historical essays.
– Primary Search: designed specifically for elementary school libraries, it features 80 of the most popular elementary school magazines.

Legal Forms

– Kentucky Court of Justice: legal forms for the state of Kentucky
Online Classes

– LinkedIn Learning: Access over 15,000 online classes in graphic design, business, web development, and more to achieve your personal and professional goals. Watch anytime on your computer or phone. Log in by visiting:
This service is made possible through a grant from the Caesar’s Foundation of Floyd County.
– Gale Courses: offers a wide range of free, highly interactive online courses. As a library card holder in good standing, you are entitled to enroll in up to five courses per calendar year at no cost. Courses run for six weeks and new sessions begin every month. These courses are designed for learners over 16 years of age.
Reading Recommendations

– NoveList Plus: the premiere database of reading recommendations available through libraries around the world. It’s a comprehensive source of information about books that includes expert recommendations, reviews, articles, lists and more.
– NoveList K-8 Plus: find read-alike recommendations, book lists, and resources for helping young readers find the perfect book in this database.