Customer Service Desk
The Library can provide quick answers to short questions, or direct your research for longer questions. Trained staff can help you use a wide variety or reference materials, both print and electronic. We are available in person at the Library’s main floor Customer Service Desk.
This service is provided for residents of Floyd County and areas covered by contracts of reciprocal service. If you live outside our service area we can answer only those questions which pertain to New Albany or Floyd County, Indiana. There is a fee per page for materials photocopied and mailed by staff at the New Albany-Floyd County Public Library. We will inform you of the number of pages and the cost for the copies before they are sent to you. We will provide short, factual answers to questions and/or suggest search strategies; however, staff limitations prevent us from doing extensive research or providing lengthy book lists.
Digital Music & E-Books
Computer Classes
In-person computer classes are not currently being offered.
Research & Databases
Whether you need to do research or school or work, or simply want to explore a topic of interest, the Library has a variety of databases that you can use.
Database topics include:
- Academic Research
- Auto & Engines
- Job & Business
- Genealogy
- Health & Medicine
- Hobbies & Crafts
- Home Improvement
- Kids & Teens
- Language
- Legal Forms
- Online Classes
- Reading Recommendations