With OverDrive, borrow and enjoy free eBooks and audiobooks.
All you need to get started is an internet connection, a library card, and these 4 steps:
1. Visit the OverDrive website or download the OverDrive app
Click here to visit the website. The OverDrive app is also available for iOS and Android devices.
2. Sign In
Click on the “Sign In” link and select “New Albany-Floyd County Public Library” as your library. Type in your library card number and your PIN (typically the last 4 digits of your phone number).
3. Borrow
Use your library card to borrow a title. Titles you’ve borrowed will appear on your Checkouts page (under your Account).
4. Enjoy
On your Checkouts page, you’ll find options for enjoying each borrowed title, like:
- Read (read an eBook in your browser)
- Listen (listen to an audiobook in your browser)
- Download or Add to app