Eligibility for Library Cards
The following people are eligible for free library cards:
- Floyd county residents
- Non-resident Floyd county property owners with property tax receipt
- Reciprocal borrowers with a library card from any of the libraries participating in Indiana’s Statewide Reciprocal Borrowing Covenant
- Students attending a school in Floyd County (any grade level, including college)
- Floyd County employees
You can get your library card application started online by filling out the Online Borrower Registration form link below. Visit the New Albany Central Library or the Galena Branch to pick up your library card. You will need to show a photo ID and a separate proof of address (a bill or a piece of mail with your current address, etc.). For children and teens without a photo ID, a responsible adult must show their photo ID and proof of address.

Online Borrower Card
Get limited access to the Library’s databases and downloadable resources for 90 days with an Online Borrower Card.
CLICK HERE for Online Borrower Registration Form
NOTE: If the link redirects to the home catalog, click on “Create Account” on the top right corner of that page to get started.
NOTE: If you’re on a mobile device, you may need to view the Desktop Version of the website in order to access the form.
Non-Resident Cards
We offer several options to give non-residents borrowing privileges. Click on the categories below for more information. If none of these categories apply to you and you are an Indiana resident, you may purchase a Floyd County Library card for a yearly fee of $54 for an individual card. You will need to bring a photo ID and proof of address. Indiana residents who live and work outside Floyd county and who do not own property within the county limits, do not pay taxes to support the library. Therefore, a fee must be charged for library services.