InstaLibrary Services
The Floyd County Library’s InstaLibrary services are designed with a vision to connect and engage people throughout the community at local sites, providing access to materials and library services. We strive to meet the community members where they are at in their life’s journey. Our outreach is designed to serve our residents within the community through delivery methods that best meet a variety of continued education and literacy needs. When someone can’t get to us, we will get to them!
Menu of Services
- Curriculum Crates
- Classroom Visits
- Community Book Crates
- Homebound Mail Bags
- Facility Resident Services
- Library to Go
- Pop-up Library
Contact Us
If you have questions, email us at [email protected] or call 812-949-8464.
Application for Homebound Services & Facility Resident Services
Download our application (available as a Word Doc or PDF) by clicking on the buttons below. Completed applications can be sent to us by email, fax, mail, or dropped off at The Floyd County Library’s Customer Service Desk.
- Email: [email protected]
- Fax: 812-949-3532
- Mail: 180 W Spring St, New Albany, IN 47150
Note: Make sure to download and save the PDF file to your computer before filling out the application. Save file after it has been completed and send to the library using one of the above methods.
Classroom Visits
Our talented Librarians are prepared to visit any age of classrooms to share stories, booktalks, research information, database research resources available for student use, or will create with educators a presentation specific to your classroom needs. To schedule an interactive classroom visit, contact our Youth Services Department at (812)949-3528.
Curriculum Crates
Classroom focused collections of materials may be requested to be utilized in school classrooms, day cares, after school care, or youth residential locations to enhance topics and provide age-appropriate reading materials. Educators or care providers may choose from the Library’s menu of prepared themed crates or request a specific subject. The crates may be checked out for two weeks and may be renewed online for an additional two weeks. Public school delivery is available through the school systems service. Schools and service locations may pick up crates from one of our library locations or may request to be placed on the library delivery schedule.
Community Book Crates
Community Book Crates are designed after the Little Library models to share books throughout the community. These crates come with a variety of books and materials for community members to select. The items provided in the crates are free to come and go from the crates. The Community Book Crates are meant to be placed in any community setting or waiting areas and include materials for all ages or readers to share freely. The Library will replenish the crate bi-weekly or the hosting facility may call for an early refill.
Homebound Mail Bags
For our community members who are homebound and do not have anyone to come to the Library for materials for them, the Library will mail materials 1 to 2 times per month to individuals living in Floyd County. Individuals requesting this service complete an application process and will be screened by a phone interview to qualify for the program. Once accepted into the program, participants will receive up to 5 books or recorded materials in a reusable mailing bag, selected for them by Librarians utilizing the individual’s reading interests from their application. When finished with the materials, the items are placed in the bag with the postage paid card inserted in the front of the bag and set out for mailing. This is a door-to-door materials mailing program.
Facility Resident Service
This program is similar to the Library’s homebound service. However, if more than two residents request the service in a facility, the Library will deliver the materials rather than mailing. The resident, family member, caretaker, or facility coordinator will complete the same application process; by the living location, the individual will automatically qualify. The participants will receive up to 5 books or recorded materials, selected for them by Librarians utilizing the individual’s reading interests from their application.
Library to Go
The Library’s onsite Outreach program for resident facilities features programs that are prepared and presented by our trained and friendly Library staff. These hands-on programs engage seniors in simple activities to assist in memory, crafts for small motor exercise, and interesting topics to grow their interests, and connect with their community.
Pop-up Library
From April through October, the Library pops up throughout the community with temporary locations for neighborhood events, community fairs, and festivals. During summer school breaks on weekdays, the InstaLibrary Pop-Ups follow a set schedule in neighborhoods, providing youth materials, healthy snacks, and fun activities. Children may check out a backpack and fill it with non-catalogued books. There are no fines or fees associated with these books. Requests must be at least one prior to date requesting an InstaLibrary Pop-Up visit. Pop-Up Library events are based on staffing availability and pending on the weather (we do not pop up in wet conditions, due to the risk of damaging books). To schedule a pop-up for a special event in Floyd County, call the Library’s Outreach Coordinator at (812) 949-3735.

#InstaLibrary Cards for Children and Teens
No Library card? No problem! Children and teens can sign up for an #InstaLibrary card!
Check out a bag of InstaReads children’s books, available at the Children’s Desk. These pre-selected bags of 10 children’s books are available for check out on any Floyd County Library Card (even if your card is currently blocked). If you don’t have a card, we’ll make you an InstaReads card that will allow you to check out InstaReads bags. Everyone is eligible for an InstaReads card, no matter where you live. Children and teens may get an InstaReads card with no need for a parent or guardian to sign for it.
#InstaReads Bags
Blue bags have picture books or easy readers (suggested for ages 0-7).
Green bags have chapter books (suggested for ages 7-10).
You may check out one InstaReads bag at a time and the bags check out for 2 weeks. As long as the bag is returned to the Library, there will be no fines on InstaReads bags. If an InstaReads bag is lost, the replacement fee is $1 per bag. You may also volunteer (if an appropriate task is available) or read off the replacement fee.
You can check out #InstaReads book bags and books with your #InstaLibrary card or with your Floyd County Library card.