Online Borrower Card
Don’t have a library card? Sign up for a free online borrower card today to access the Library’s databases and downloadable resources. When our doors reopen, please come to the Library to have this card replaced with a free library card to access all of our materials.
NOTE: After clicking on the above button, click on “Create Account” on the top right corner to get started.
Free WiFi access is available 24/7 from all of our facility parking lots.

Using Beanstack for Reading Challenges
The Library uses Beanstack for a variety of reading challenges throughout the year.
Current challenges:
- Recbar Readers (for grades 0-12): February 15th – May 31st, 2025
The Floyd County Library is proud to present Recbar Readers, our community reading challenge for children and teens in grades 0-12. Read books to earn arcade tokens for Recbar 812, plus other amazing prizes from local businesses. Starting February 15th, children and teens can read and log their minutes in Beanstack to unlock badges and earn rewards.
- Earn a prize + 10 arcade tokens for every 5 hours of reading
- Pick up prize certificates at New Albany Central Library or Galena Digital Library and redeem at participating businesses
To create an account on Beanstack, visit: https://nafclibrary.beanstack.org
Using the Beanstack online software or Beanstack Tracker mobile app, guests can log the books they have read to meet their goal and earn prizes. Signing up is easy!

Download and stream free movies, TV shows, music albums, audiobooks, eBooks, and comic books on your computer or mobile device. Visit the Apple or Google Play store and download the hoopla digital app to your tablet or mobile device. You can also access hoopla online at www.hoopladigital.com
Sign Up Process:
- Email address
- Create a password
- Search for our Library* (*Note: If you are a reciprocal borrower, select your Jeffersonville or Clark County home library, then use that library card # and PIN for the next step)
- Library Card #
- Library PIN (last 4 digits of phone # you listed when signing up for a Library Card)
Indiana Digital Library
Available now on the Libby app and OverDrive site
Both Libby and OverDrive share the same collection of e-books and audiobooks. Libby is newer and more user-friendly, while OverDrive is the older legacy program. If you need help using OverDrive, click here.
Sign Up Process:
- Download the Libby app
- Open the Libby app and tap the main menu icon
- Tap “Add Library”
- Search for “Indiana Digital Library”
- Tap on Sign In With My Card
- Tap on 198 More and scroll down until you find The Floyd County Library
- Enter your Floyd County Library # and PIN (your pin is the last 4 digits of the phone # you listed when signing up for a Library Card)
- Read and enjoy!

Lynda.com is now LinkedIn Learning
Access over 15,000 online classes in graphic design, business, web development, and more to achieve your personal and professional goals. Watch anytime on your computer or phone. Log in by visiting:
Sign Up Process:
- Download the LinkedIn Learning app from Apple’s App Store or Google Play or use the desktop version
- Once you have downloaded the app or gone to the website, click on “Get Started.” Then click “Sign in with your library card.”
- If the site/app asks for your Library ID, type “floydlibrary” in all lowercase. If you capitalize any letters, it will not work.
- Once you’re in, type your Library Card number and your Library PIN (automatically set to the last 4 digits of the phone number you used when signing up for a Library card)

Gale Courses
Professional six-week courses with highly interactive instructor-led learning in a wide range of subjects. Classes that support business professionals, computer and technology, language & arts, hobbies, health, and wellness. Courses run for six weeks and new sessions begin every month.
Sign Up Process:
- Visit Gale Courses at http://education.gale.com/l-new91297/
- Find courses by browsing through the categories on the left of your screen or by using the search bar above. Click “Enroll Now” next to the course of your choice.
- Select your course start date and click “Continue.”
- Create a free Gale Courses account, or sign in to an existing account.
- New Students – Enter your email address in the New Student area and click “Create Account.” Complete the “Account and Student Information” page and then click “Continue.”
- Returning Students – Enter your account email and password and then click “Sign In.”
You will use your Gale Courses account email and password to log in to the My Classroom area to view your lessons once your session begins.
- Enter your library barcode in the box labeled Submit. Then click “Use Library Card” to complete your enrollment.

Mango Languages
Over 70 foreign languages to explore, plus 15 ESL courses taught in your native language. Learn anytime and anywhere with online access and free mobile apps.
Sign Up Process:
- Download the Mango Languages app on Apple’s App Store or Google Play or visit the desktop version at https://connect.mangolanguages.com/nafc/start
- Search for our Library: “New Albany-Floyd County Public Library”
- Type in your Library Card #
- Type in your Library PIN (automatically set to the last 4 digits of the telephone number you provided when signing up for a library card)
Other Databases to Explore
– Academic Research Premier: covers the many academic disciplines offered in colleges. Includes PDF backfiles for over one hundred journals and searchable cited references.
– AHFS Consumer Medication Information: a trusted source and recognized standard for patient drug information.
– Ancestry Library Edition (in-building access only): the leading resource for pursuing family history research online. Ancestry connects Internet users to the most comprehensive online genealogical resources available. For remote access through December 31, 2021, please email [email protected]
– Auto Repair Source: contains do-it-yourself repair and maintenance information on most major manufacturers of domestic and imported vehicles. Content has been created by ASE certified technicians.
– Biomedical Reference Collection: Basic: access over 100 biomedical research journals, covering a range of disciplines including medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine and pre-clinical sciences, as well as structured research evaluating current and past health care systems.
– Coalition for Court Access (IN): legal forms for the state of Indiana
– ConsumerSafety.org: Informs people about recalls and safety alerts, and publishes consumer-related news and safety guides.
– Corporate ResourceNET: contains articles from nearly 1,350 magazines and journals.
– Data Axle Reference Solutions – Previously known as ReferenceUSA, this online tool gives library patrons and business owners access to data on over 17 million businesses and 320 million consumers.
– DMV Permit Test: Free Indiana DMV permit practice tests. Includes permit test, driver’s license test, and senior citizens’ refresher test.
– ERIC.: the Education Resource Information Center provides access to information from journals included in the Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in Education Index.
– Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia: over 25,000 records covering an array of topics. Includes images, brief biographies, and information in a variety of subject areas.
– Health Business FullTEXT: over 130 journals for hospital administrators and managers. Topics include staffing, health care regulation, facilities management, marketing, finance and more.
– Health Source: Consumer Edition: over 75 consumer health magazines, plus health-related pamphlets and health reference books.
– Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition: over 500 scholarly journals focusing on many medical disciplines. Nursing and allied health focus.
– HeritageQuest Online: search US Federal censuses, over 20,000 books, and the genealogy and local history magazine index PERSI.
– Historic Photographs (Indiana Room Archives): access the Indiana History Room’s archive of historic photographs, capturing Floyd County history.
– Indiana Room Online Resources: Access the Indiana Room’s online resources, including military records, city directories, family bibles, and various historical documents.
– Inspire: offers commercial databases and other resources for Indiana residents. This database is limited to Indiana residents.
– Kentucky Court of Justice: legal forms for the state of Kentucky
– Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts: Subject coverage includes librarianship, classification, cataloging, bibliometrics, online information retrieval, information management and more.
– MasterFILE Premier: provides full text for magazines, reference books, and primary source documents, plus an Image Collection.
– MEDLINE: Contains citations and abstracts for biomedical and health journals used by health care professionals, nurses, clinicians and researchers engaged in clinical care, public health and health policy development. Created by the U.S. National Library of medicine.
– Middle Search Plus: contains full text for a variety of popular middle school magazines. Articles are assigned a reading level indicator (Lexiles). Includes biographies and historical essays.
– NoveList Plus: the premiere database of reading recommendations available through libraries around the world. It’s a comprehensive source of information about books that includes expert recommendations, reviews, articles, lists and more.
– NoveList K-8 Plus: find read-alike recommendations, book lists, and resources for helping young readers find the perfect book in this database.
– Newspaper Research: access our Indiana History’s collection of newspaper databases, including Newspaper Index, Newspapers.com, Newspaper Archive, and The Courier-Journal: Historic Newspapers.
– Primary Search: designed specifically for elementary school libraries, it features 80 of the most popular elementary school magazines.
– Professional Development Collection: education journals, peer-reviewed title, and educational reports for professional educators.
– Regional Business News: covers regional business publications for the U.S. and Canada. Includes newspapers, trade publications, radio & TV news transcripts, and newswires.
– Small Engine Repair Reference Center: provides users with detailed, yet user-friendly repair guides for all manner of small engines.
– TOPICsearch: Explore current social, political & economic issues, scientific discoveries and other popular topics, including controversial opinions and viewpoints.
– Vocational and Career Collection: covers trade and industry-related periodicals.