Women's History Month DisplayThis month’s Teen Scene book display features stories about real women who have changed the course of history, each one in her own unique way. You’ll find writers and scientists, athletes and survivors, trailblazers and peacemakers on our display of dynamic women in all of their diversity. In big ways or small, intentionally or by happenstance, each has led her own charge to affect the world in positive and unique ways.

The purpose of Women’s History Month is to “encourage the study, observance and celebration of the vital role of women in American History” (WomensHistoryMonth.gov), and serves as a reminder that women’s stories haven’t always been told, especially not as fully, broadly, and diversely as they are today. We know that our young women (and all young people) are watching the stories of our foremothers unfold, showing teens that they, too, can make history every day. If she can see it, she can be it.

If you’re looking for a great woman to read about who isn’t on the display yet (they’re moving quickly), please talk with one of our librarians. We are be happy to help you find more amazing women to celebrate all month long.