Now that school is back in session, stress levels will be going up for anyone spending their day in a classroom. Whether you’re a teacher, a college student, or any child in K-12th grade, music may be the key to unwinding from the day and focusing your attention. This way you might actually get some reading, homework, or grading done, instead of staring blankly at the page.

If you are anything like me, the biggest block for actually reading all of the books I want to check off my list, is that when I sit down to read suddenly I have a million thoughts that need my attention all at once. Sometimes reading is the only time I have during the day to really sit and enjoy some aimless fun. Since my brain is wired all day long to be on and aware and thinking of what is next and what needs to get done, when it is time to let go and dive into a good book my brain doesn’t know how!

Enter the magic of music. All I have to do is turn on some quiet instrumental music and all of a sudden it is as if someone has physically pushed my shoulders down. I can feel my jaw unclench and my breathing gets slower. Now I am ready to open my book and put my full attention on the story at hand. I highly recommend using music to your advantage – and I have a few tips and tricks to make sure you get the most out of the experience.

Not everyone is able to focus on reading while also focusing on what they are listening to so I recommend trying out different styles of music to see what works best for you. Personally, I can’t read while listening to music that has lyrics or any type of words. If you relate, a few genres I suggest are piano covers of pop songs, classical orchestral music, or other instrumental versions of songs you already know. Some studies suggest that listening to music you don’t know can be more distracting than listening to music you are familiar with.

Another option is lo-fi music. Lo-fi stands for low-fidelity which basically means there are technical flaws in the recording intentionally used to create the effect of a more buzzy / humming background noise. Lo-fi music is very relaxing because there are no lyrics and the tempo is slow enough to calm you while remaining upbeat enough to keep you awake. This genre is very popular among college students for studying.

Lastly, there are ambient noise options such as a coffee shop, nature sounds, rain on the windows, and many more! These are great for those who just need something other than silence to help them focus. There are even options on YouTube for ambient rooms where there are hours and hours of ambient sounds paired with an aesthetic background such as a coffeeshop, library, Hogwarts castle, or really any other scene you can think of. Sometimes it is fun to match your book’s vibe with the video you choose, like a haunted/Halloween house ambient room while reading a thriller!

Whatever you choose, I hope you find some peace and space to breathe as we exit summer and enter Fall.