I don’t know about you, but I am finding it hard to read during this pandemic. My attention span is very short and I’m too anxious to focus on a whole lot. In case you are feeling the same way, I wanted to suggest some books that might be good to try right now. Whether it’s a frothy romance novel, fun facts, or a book that twists and turns, here are five choices for your consideration. I loved them all. All are available in print for curbside pickup or in digital formats.

The Proposal by Jasmine Guillory. After Nik’s boyfriend of 5 months proposes to her on a Jumbotron at a baseball game (misspelling her name, no less), she turns him down in front of the entire stadium. Carlos and his sister Angela are sitting a few rows behind her and swoop in to save her from the media about to pounce on her. Nik and Carlos start seeing each other casually, both perfectly clear that they are NOT looking for a relationship. But they’re perfect for each other in so many ways… If a frothy romcom is what you’re in the mood for, try this! Place a hold on the print book here. We also have it on downloadable audiobook.

The Stranger in the Woods: The Extraordinary Story of the Last True Hermit by Michael Finkel. In 1986, twenty-year-old Christopher Knight left his home in Massachusetts, drove to Maine, and disappeared into the forest. He would not have a conversation with another human being until nearly three decades later, when he was arrested for stealing food. This is his story of living off the grid and it’s one I couldn’t put down. This fascinating true story is a great bet for anyone interested in nature or who just wants an unputdownable human interest story. Place a hold on the print book here.

Evvie Drake Starts Over by Linda Holmes. In this charming novel set in small-town Maine, recently widowed Evvie Drake deals with the fact that the entire town mourns her late husband more than she did. She was in the process of leaving him – had her car packed up, even – when she got the news that he had died. Now she’s taking in a renter Dean Tenney, a professional baseball player with the “yips”, to help pay the rent and they make a pact to never talk about baseball or Evvie’s husband. But as Evvie and Dean grow closer, avoiding these treacherous topics is harder and harder to do. Maybe it’s time for both of them to start over. This is a heartwarming novel with a picturesque setting that’s very comforting to read. Now would be a great time for it. Place a hold on the print book here.

A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman. This book had me laughing and it had me crying, so definitely a good choice if you want to feel some feels. Ove is a curmudgeon with strict rules for himself and others, but as you learn Ove’s story, you start to see the sadness behind his bitter exterior. Everything begins to change when a boisterous young family moves in next door and changes Ove’s life forever. This one definitely has some sad moments, but it’s ultimately hopeful and a wonderful read. Place a hold on the print book here. We also have it on Playaway audiobook and CD audiobook.

What If?: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions by Randall Munroe. What a fun book! Web comic artist (and former NASA employee) Randall Munroe takes absurd “What if?” questions submitted through his website and does the research to come up with series scientific answers. What if all the rain from a rainstorm fell in one big raindrop? What if you had a mole

[number] of moles [mammal]? What if all the people on earth were magically transported into one spot and everyone jumped and their feet hit the Earth at the same time? This one is very easy to pick up and put down, so you don’t need a long attention span to dip in and out of it, which might be perfect for right now. Place a hold on the print book here. We also have it on downloadable audiobook, which is expertly narrated by Wil Wheaton.

What’s been holding your interest during quarantine? Any books to suggest?