The Dutch House by Ann Patchett follows the life of Danny and Maeve Conroy, as narrated by Danny. While the story focuses on the Conroys, it also focuses on the Dutch House, where they grew up, and its importance in their lives. The family moves into the Dutch House in rural Philadelphia during the 1940s. Danny is 3 and Maeve is 10, when their father purchases their house for their mother. Their mother, who believes them to be too poor for the lavish house, attaches too much guilt to it, and soon leaves the house, abandoning her family. Danny, Maeve, their father, and a few servants attached to the house make a life for themselves, and people come and go from the Dutch House; but the Dutch House is the third main character of this novel. No matter who resides at the Dutch House, it plays an integral part in the story of everyone we meet in this novel; and it’s fascinating to see how it effects each of their lives.

Probably the best part of this novel, for me, was hearing it read by Tom Hanks. The animation he delivered to the retelling of Danny Conroy was a bonus, and definitely a comfort. I found the tone of his voice both animated and calming in all the right places. No matter how old you are, it’s nice to have someone else read to you sometimes, right? If you find yourself with more time to read these days, I suggest looking for The Dutch House either on Overdrive as an audiobook, an ebook or just downloading Libby! All you need is your library card and your pin. I hope you enjoy this book as much as I did!