Lots of you are trying to work from home– whether that means work for a job, or for school, or for your hobbies– while the library is closed. We can’t get you books right now, but we can provide home access to many digital resources that may assist in your goals.

The library has compiled many of these resources on a special Digital page full of things you can access from home, including:

  • Ancestry.com– temporarily available from home with the password 47150 to do genealogy research
  • Newspaper Archive– works with the same password, 47150, to access a selection of historic Indiana newspapers
  • Academic Search Complete– sign in with a library card number and PIN to search academic articles on a variety of subjects
  • Lynda.com– sign in using a library card number and PIN to take video classes on many technical and professional subjects
  • Flipster– sign in using a library card number and PIN to access magazines from home
  • Mango Languages– learn languages online with your library account

Check out that page for these and more awesome resources you can access from home!