Happy New Year’s from your library friends!

Are you making any resolutions this year? How about reading resolutions? This is a great time to reflect on your reading and think about what your reading goals are for 2020. Maybe you want to read more books. Maybe you want to read award winners. Maybe you want to read the books your kids are reading and talk about them. Is there a series you’ve been meaning to get through? Are there movies coming out that you want to read the book first?

No matter what your reading goals are for the new year, your library is here to support you. We can help you find the books you’re looking for, suggest books if you’re not sure what you want, or get books from other libraries for you if we don’t have quite what you’re looking for.  And don’t forget that our Winter Reading Challenge is still going on through January 31 for all ages. Log your reading time to help us earn a new STEM Lab for the library, courtesy of Duke Energy!

Happy reading!

— Abby Johnson, Collection Development Leader