Keep an eye on the skies on August 11th! The Perseid Meteor Shower is going to be the most visible on that date. Find a location away from bright lights, sit back and let your eyes adjust! Nasa says that up to 40 meteors an hour should be visible to people living in the Northern Hemisphere.

What is the Perseid Meteor Shower? Every year, Earth passes the Swift-Tuttle Comet. The debris from the comet burns as they fall, and that creates the annual meteor shower event. The meteor shower got its name because the meteors seem to originate around the Perseus Constellation.

Check out this page for more details

Want to make the night a bit more special? Check out one of our Library telescopes. You can find them here

Or you can start the evening off with a few Space story books. Search our Library catalog for Space books here

If you are unable to watch the event in person, Nasa will be live streaming the event on their Facebook page

Happy Stargazing!