March 20 is International Happiness Day, which makes March a perfect month to focus on how you can increase the experience of happiness in your daily life. The books below can help you get started on creating a happiness habit you can begin to implement this month. Just click on a book to place that book on hold.

March 20 is also the birthday of Fred Rogers, a.k.a. Mr. Rogers of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood. How perfect that his birthday falls on International Happiness Day! Fred Rogers is viewed as the walking epitome of kindness, love, and compassion. Sharing love and kindness with others, is an important ingredient in the recipe for a happy life. Below you will find books and resources about the life and legacy of Fred Rogers. They are sure to leave you touched, moved, and inspired to add your personal touch of beauty to the world.

Click an image to place that book on hold. 

Books on Happiness:




The Life of Fred Rogers: