A committee comprised of Indiana Youth Services Librarians in public and school libraries, as well as a few booksellers work very hard to read a large amount of picture books each year. The Firefly Committee determines the top five picture books that best explore the aspects of the Every Child Ready to Read program. It is important for these books to promote reading, writing, singing, talking and playing.

This year The Floyd County Library is participating as we have in years past. We would like to send as many votes to the Indiana State Library as possible. The library has sent about 150 votes to Indianapolis in both 2021 and 2022. We would love to go above that number in 2023. We currently have 72 votes that we will be sending to Indianapolis this year. Voting is open until the end of July! So, come read the five books chosen this year and pick your favorite!

Galena’s Library even has a tally so you can see progress on the voting throughout the summer! There are 17 votes on the board so far. Go visit the Galena Library and add your vote!

The five books this year are:

“Bathe the Cat” by Alice B. McGinty

Dad has posted a list of chores for the family to do before grandma comes, including bathing the cat; but the cat does not want a bath, so she mixes up the instructions, and soon the family is mowing the floor, vacuuming the lawn, mopping the baby–and the house is in chaos.

“A Good Place” by Lucy Cousins

Bee, Ladybug, Beetle, and Dragonfly are looking for a good place to live. And they each want something different. Every time they find what seems like the perfect spot, they soon discover it’s underfoot, near traffic, or otherwise not safe. How will these four friends ever find a good place?

“Mel Fell” by Corey R. Tabor

Follow Mel on her journey from downward fall to triumphant flight in this tale of self-confidence and taking a leap of faith.

“Paletero Man” by Lucky Diaz

Ring! Ring! Ring! Can you hear his call? Paletas for one! Paletas for all! What’s the best way to cool off on a hot summer day? Run quick and find Paletero José! Follow along with our narrator as he passes through his busy neighborhood in search of the Paletero Man. But when he finally catches up with him, our narrator’s pockets are empty. Oh no! What happened to his dinero?

“Room for Everyone” by Naaz Khan

Musa and his sister travel to a Zanzibar beach in a shared minibus which, despite Musa’s protests, gets loaded with everything from a man and his bicycle to ten swimmers.

Happy Reading!