It’s finally summer!  This is a great time of year to get some reading done, but if you’re busy, it can seem hard to find the time.  Here are my favorite tips for getting your reading in this summer.

  1.  Bring a book with you.  Throw a book into your purse, car, beach bag, or backpack.  You never know when you might have a quiet moment that would be the perfect time to pull it out.  If you don’t have your book with you, you can’t take advantage of those times and get some reading in!
  2. Related to this, read eBooks on your phone or other device that’s easy to carry with you!  That way, you’ll always have a book (a selection of books, even) with you to pull out and read.
  3. Put it on your schedule.  Setting a certain time each day or week to read will help make sure it happens.  This is especially fun if you can get the whole family involved in reading time!
  4. Read what you want to read.  Don’t waste time on books that you’re just slogging through.  If you’re not enjoying it, try something else!  Summer is a great time for fun, fast, breezy reads.
  5. Visit your local library!  We can help you find books you want to read, connect you with eResources, and REWARD you for reading this summer!  Click here to sign up and find out more.

Happy reading!!


Teresa Moulton, librarian