Monday, January 27 is the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz and Governor Holcolm has declared the day “Eva Education Day“. Eva Kor was a Holocaust survivor who dedicated most of her life to educating people about the Holocaust. She lived in Terre Haute, IN where she operated a Holocaust museum. She passed away in July 2019.

Want to know more?

The Library will be showing the documentary Eva: A-7063 on Monday, January 27 at 6pm in the Auditorium. This is a riveting film which tells Eva’s story of surviving experiments by Nazi doctor Josef Mengele, launching the biggest manhunt in history, and traveling the world to promote what her life journey taught: Hope. Healing. Humanity. Please join us for this free film screening.

Can’t make it to the film on Monday or want to know more?


Read Eva Kor’s memoir, Surviving the Angel of Death: The True Story of a Mengele Twin in Auschwitz (2009; 141 pages). We have several print copies at the library or you can download the e-book via Overdrive with your Libby or Overdrive app.

Or search our catalog and online resources for more information about the Holocaust. To start, just type a keyword in the “Search All Materials” box on our website. That will search our physical materials in the library and give you access to thousands of full text articles and resources you can access from home.

However you observe Eva Education Day, your library is here to support your lifelong learning.

— Abby Johnson, Collection Development Leader