As February has come to a close and March has roared in, we celebrate the convergence of African American History and Women’s History Months.
Harriet Tubman. Rosa Parks. Ketanji Brown Jackson. Simone Biles. These are just a few of the Black women whose names have become well known due to their incredible achievements.
Certainly, women of all different backgrounds have been trailblazers, paving the way to opportunities for women today!
Did you know that Oprah Winfrey was Miss Black Tennessee? From that milestone she worked her way through her career to become the world’s first Black billionaire!
Josephine Baker’s life journey took her from a Vaudeville dancer to a spy for the resistance during World War II.
Serena Williams, broke boundaries as a tennis superstar as did Nobel-Prize winner Toni Morrison, and record-breaking Grammy winner Beyoncé, among many others.
As former first lady, Michelle Obama, memorably said at the Democratic Convention in 2008, “The only limit to the height of your achievements is the reach of your dreams and your willingness to work hard for them.”
Read some of these stories in our Biography section. Here are some suggestions of books to help inspire your own journey:
Changing the equation : 50+ US Black women in STEM by Tonya Bolden
Black women taught us : an intimate history of Black feminism Jenn M. by Jackson
We are your sisters : Black women in the 19th century.
Justice rising : 12 amazing Black women in the Civil Rights Movement by Katheryn Russell-Brown
Carefree black girls : a celebration of black women in popular culture by Zeba Blay