School’s in session! And for many of our Floyd County students that means it’s time to start thinking about their education plans. Last week, my colleague Misty wrote about some back-to-school resources you can find at your library. Today I want to go into more depth about a couple of them. Whether your future plans include taking the SAT, searching for college scholarships, or getting ready for a career exam like the NCLEX, PRAXIS, or ASVAB, we’ve got you covered at the Floyd County Library. Here are resources you need to know about.

First up is the Testing and Education Reference Center. You can access this free database in the library or from home with your library card. You’ll create an account so you can save your progress. And then you can access:

  • Practice tests, including the SAT, ACT, AP exams, GRE, NCLEX, Praxis, LSAT, TOEFL, GED and more!
  • Free downloadable test prep guides
  • College and career planning resources like a resume builder, a scholarship finder, career assessment tools and more
  • Free online courses for test prep and career skills


Your library also gives you access to Gale Courses, a free online portal to hundreds of high-quality classes. Again, you’ll create an account and then you can sign up for any of hundreds of classes offered each month. Test prep courses include SAT/ACT, GRE, GED, LSAT, and more. You can also take classes to learn or refresh basic skills like grammar, math, technology skills, or writing. Or you can learn something totally different! Our most popular classes include Speed Spanish, Introduction to Microsoft Excel, A to Z Grant Writing, and Discover Sign Language. There is something for everyone, all available for free with your Floyd County Library card!

And of course our print collection can help you, too. We have a college section located in our Teen Scene with many test prep and college readiness resources that you can check out or use inside the library.

From deciding what to study or what career you might be interested in to finding resources to pay for it to succeeding in your chosen field, your library has you covered! Have you used any of these resources? What would you want people to know about it?

— Abby Johnson, Collection Development Lead