We are taught early on that we should give honor to whom honor is due. For decades, our country has been supported by men and women who protect our precious country, so that we may live. Their proven bravery, sacrifice, and strength continues to burn brightly in representation of Lady Liberty’s symbolic torch. The freedoms that we’ve been granted are a beautiful gift from our governing forefathers, but it is our soldiers in uniform who keep the the democratic fires safely burning as time passes. There are currently over 17 million veterans from sea to shining sea. Your service, diligence, commitment, and love are noticed and treasured. Our gratitude knows no bounds. G. K. Chesterton said it best, “The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.” May all veterans be blessed for loving our grand ol’ country! In closing, may we, Americans, demonstrate our gratitude in deeds and actions in our daily lives to demonstrate our appreciation for your many sacrifices, not just speak them.


Thank you for your service!

The Importance of Honoring our Veterans... - RavenCrest Tactical