Disinformation. Misinformation. Fake News. Propaganda. Truthiness. Alternative Facts.

If you’re a person in 2023, you’ve heard these words before. The task of figuring out what sources you can trust and which confidently-phrased facts are the true ones is harder than ever. Almost everyone has fallen for a hoax or AI-generated works of fiction at one time or another in the last decade. If you’d like to strengthen your skills of evaluating information you find online, the library has a new class you may want to sign up for!

Starting Tuesday or Thursday of next week, the library will be offering Digital Literacy sessions. These will help you learn how to use information and communication technologies to find, evaluate, create, and communicate information as well as discover digital tools and how to use them to communicate effectively. Spanish Translation is available! Please let us know if you would like to use this service.

Sign up for one of next week’s classes and keep an eye on our future schedule here: https://nafclibrary.libcal.com/