Who doesn’t love a compelling story? We love to cheer on the protagonist as he or she progresses through a myriad of dangers and challenges. We thrill at the victory as they overcome what seem insurmountable odds. We resonate with the hero’s reflection of the lessons learned in the hard fought, hard won journey.  How the journey has changed them.   Simply put, we’re suckers for a good hero’s journey story! We can’t help it!  

Even more so, when that story happens to be true. 

I LOVE memoirs because of the above reasons. They are a real life hero’s journey with real life heroes who went through a myriad of  trials and challenges. Who learned to overcome those challenges, that seemed insurmountable at times. Who celebrated the wins at the end of the journey.  Who reflected on how the journey has shaped them and helped them become who they are today.  

And, who realize that ultimately, the journey continues.  There is always more to learn.  

We can glean so much from reading other people’s stories. We can relate to them because we are human, too, and we’ve experienced similar struggles and emotions.  

It inspires us to see people overcome their darkest moments, their greatest challenges, because it gives us hope that we can too.  

Below are some of my favorite memoirs, some I’ve read recently and others have been like dearest friends for many a year now.

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Each of these books tell the tale of a real life hero’s journey. And, the beautiful humans in these stories are heroes one and all.  ❤️