You may be surprised, but Emily Henry could be considered a local author! A lot of her time is spent in Northern Kentucky and Cincinnati. She is a favorite author of mine, and I immediately put her new books on hold at the library when a new book is released. Her newest book is Happy Place by Emily Henry and here is my review.

This book reads more like women’s fiction than romance as it takes us through the stages of life and getting older. In this book we see the fear of losing friends after college when everyone starts making their own lives. There is also the aspect of losing family members you thought you would have with you forever. What happens when a group of friends begins dating each other? Will the group friendship survive?

Harriet and Wyn met in college and fit together like a puzzle, until 6 months ago. They want their friend group to stay intact so they decide not to tell them of their breakup. The group meets at a cottage in Maine where they visit on an annual basis to keep up with each other’s life events. This year is different. The group finds out the cottage is for sale and this may be the last time they are all together.

I know this is a work of fiction, but every character is so lovable, I want to be in their friend group! Cleo is always available to support any friend in need. Sabrina is the planner that likes to also be the peacemaker of the group. Wyn is the one with the wit and humor. Harriet is the people pleaser who is going through a lot of conflict. As I was reading, it felt like I had known these characters my entire life!

Every minute of this book was enjoyable. I laughed and I shed some tears. This was my first 5 star read of the summer and a book I will be thinking about for quite a while. We have physical copies you can put on hold here. We also have copies through Libby in both eBook and audiobook. I hope you enjoy this book as much as I did!


Happy Reading!