Are you as excited about spring as I am?  I’m guessing you are!

Spring brings so many wonderful things! It’s my favorite time of year!

Every day we witness miracles as new growth pushes its way up through the soil. As new blossoms unfurl, showcasing a glorious array of breathtaking beauty.

The birds come home to start their new little families. Busy gathering the necessary bits and pieces to create a cozy nest in which to lay their eggs.


Everything looks so bare and lifeless throughout the long winter months. The birds have left and it’s lonely without their cheerful little songs.

It seems a darker and gloomier time as the earth is the furthest away from sun in the northern hemisphere at that time of year.

I miss the sun when it seems so far away. And, I rejoice when it returns each year as winter melts into spring.

With the return of the sun, the days are warmer and longer. Just they way I like them! You, too?

This is the time of year we start thinking about doing some deeper cleaning and clearing out of the cluttered places around the house.

Opening windows and getting the fresh air flowing through the house to replace the stale air we’ve been trapped in for months.

It’s the time of year we start thinking about our garden plans and begin looking for ideas.

It’s also the time of year we are so over being stuck inside that we are ACHING to get out into nature or engage in other outdoor activities.

Soooooo, that means it’s a GREAT time to dig into some helpful books to get fresh ideas for your spring projects.

Below are some great suggestions to get you started.  Simply click on a picture to place that book on hold.

Spring Cleaning:


Gardening Ideas:

Exploring Nature:

We have many more great books in our collections! Just use the online search tool to search our library catalog to find and place books on hold or come in and browse or collections in person.

As always, we are happy to help you find what you need to help you plan your spring projects. Let us know how we can help!