Self-care. We hear this term quite a bit, but sometimes it’s hard for people to understand what it means, or that it’s not important, but it does matter to your health. Self-care is doing things to take care of your body and mind. You can do that by engaging in activities that reduce stress and anxiety, protects health, and promotes overall well-being. Self-care is about taking care of yourself. Practicing self-care helps us avoid burnout, encourages empathy/sympathy, and can help us cope with different symptoms of mental health(such as stress and anxiety).

There are misconceptions about self-care. On television, social media, and magazines, sometimes it’s advertised that we must spend a lot of money to practice self-care. That is far from the truth. But now you may ask: What do I do for self-care?

That is simple to answer. What makes you feel happy? What makes you feel healthy? Self-care is about tailoring to the individual. Some people like to knit, crochet, take warm bubble baths, curl up with a good book, go for a jog or ride their bicycle. There are many ways to practice self-care. It’s about doing what makes you happy.

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