July is a very exciting month! Families are taking vacations, the days are longer and warm (here recently it’s been hot), and fun community events are happening (check out our Library events!). This ties in perfectly to the awareness for this month, as July is social wellness month! But wait, what does that even mean?

Social wellness means “nurturing yourself and your relationships.” Social wellness includes giving and receiving social support from friends, family, and other individuals in our lives that we can turn to in times of need. Social support can come in different ways that include emotional support (feeling cared for), instrumental support (physical, such as money or care-giving), and informational support (guidance, advice, etc.). We need that positive, social interaction. It’s vital that we have those positive relationships for our own health benefits. People with strong and healthy support networks respond better to stress, have improved cardiovascular functioning, and help the immune system (to name a few health benefits).

So what can you do to help your social wellness? There are plenty of simple activities! Simply calling a long time friend is a positive social interaction. Relaxing is a great way to recharge and take care of yourself. Being physically active, like joining a gym or exercise group, will allow you to meet more people while taking care of you physical health. Getting involved in local activities will allow you to meet new people that are interested in similar hobbies.

Here at the library, we have plenty of activities for anyone to become involved! The event calendar is full of educational opportunities, book discussions, family events, and more!