Please join us on Saturday, March 26 at 12:00pm on the upper level of the library to hear a fabulous local speaker, Mark Hublar. March is Disability Awareness Month and Mr. Hublar will speak at the library about his own personal experiences with Down syndrome and help the audience understand that people with disabilities also have abilities, skills, and gifts to share with others. If you have met Mr. Hublar, you know that he has many interesting stories to share! If you haven’t met Mr. Hublar yet, I encourage you to visit the library to hear him speak. I guarantee it will be a day you will not forget.

Interested in attending this free program? Register here for Mark Hublar: Thriving with Disabilities!

And if that day leaves you wanting to know more about Mr. Hublar, be sure to check out A Miracle Named Mark. Written by his brother, A Miracle Named Mark chronicles Mr. Hublar’s life from his parents being told they should institutionalize him to his graduation with a degree in public speaking and his career as a disabilities advocate.

Mark your calendars and please join us on March 26 for this wonderful program, perfect for the whole family!


— Abby Johnson (she/her)
Collection Development Leader