MoodRing Literary Magazine

The Carnegie Center for Art and History, a branch of the Floyd County Library, has created a new public art project for high school students in Floyd, Clark, and Harrison Counties called MoodRing, a literary zine that will feature 30 works of art, poetry, and prose created by you, the youth of our community!

So, teens, what’s the moodMoodRing is your chance to share and collaborate with your community on ideas that you think need to be seen and heard. The deadline to submit your art, photography, poems, prose, and short stories (one-page limit on literature) is Thursday, February 24, 2022. You may submit up to 3 pieces of art and 3 pieces of writing. Only your original work will be accepted.

Of course, it’s scary submitting your work for publication, especially if it’s your first submission ever. We encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and share with the community what you have created. If you’re not quite ready to share, consider joining the teen editing team! This teen lit zine is by you and for you in every way, so we invite you to jump into this project in whichever way you feel comfortably challenged to create something with your peers. If you’d like to be an editor, just fill out the submission form and leave fields blank that don’t apply to you. 

Click Here for complete information and submission guidelines, and link to the online submission form. Also, check out the stories about the MoodRing project in the News & Tribune and LEO Weekly.

Submit your art to MoodRing