As I’m buying my toddler yet another stack of books for his birthday, I’ve been reflecting on what makes me buy a book versus borrow it from the library.

I’ve always been a regular library user, but I really am not big book buyer, which may be a bit unusual for a librarian.  Borrowing books from the library definitely saves money (and space in your home), but there are also times when it makes sense to own your own copy.

Everyone’s decision process is going to look different, but these are the 3 questions I usually ask myself when determining whether to actually buy a book:

Will I (or someone I love) read it again?

I am more likely to buy books if I can see myself returning to them again and again.  I tend to buy either my favorite reads or reference/advice books that I’ll want to go back and refer to again.  I also consider whether someone else I’m close to will want to read it.  I love giving books to friends or saving them for my kid to read someday.

Do I want to be able to destroy it?

I say this only half-jokingly.  I am always careful to be respectful of library books, but I don’t necessarily feel as reverent about my own books.  If I own a book, I may write in it, fold the pages, leave it open face down as a “bookmark,” read it in the bathtub, etc.  With a young child, I’m also much less anxious about him ripping or creasing pages if I know it’s our book.

Am I afraid it will go out of print?

This has become more of a consideration as I buy children’s books for my son.  When I used to order children’s books for the library, I learned just how quickly some of our storytime favorites could go out of print and be difficult or impossible to reorder.  Unfortunately, the library won’t always have easy access to every book if it’s not recently published or a widely-beloved classic (but we may be able to get it from another library!  Just ask!).  I may buy certain books for my son now just in case they won’t be available later.

What about you?  How do you decide whether to buy a book or borrow it from the library?  Do you have a rational decision-making process or are you more of an impulse buyer?  What do you love about actually owning a book?  Let us know in the comments!

Happy reading!

Teresa Moulton, Public Service Leader