Yesterday, I posted about our New Books lists on our catalog where you can digitally browse some of our newest books and place holds for curbside pickup (curbside delivery starts May 18!). But what if a selection of new books is not enough for you? I know some readers (myself included!) need to know ALL THE NEW BOOKS. And that’s where Wowbrary comes in!

You can always browse the Wowbrary Newest Arrivals widget on our website. Just visit and scroll down a little bit and you’ll see it:

But true power users sign up for the free weekly Wowbrary email and receive an email with every new book on order in their inbox each week. You can enter your email into the signup box on our website or just click this direct link to our Wowbrary service and enter your email to get signed up. Every Wednesday, you’ll get an email with all the new books we’ve added to the catalog. These are books that have just been placed on order and some we order months in advance – big authors like James Patterson, Danielle Steel, or CJ Box. If you want to be one of the first on the list, make sure to check your email on Wednesdays. You can click the links in the email to go right to our catalog to place a hold.

Be a power user! Sign up for Wowbrary emails today and get the scoop on the newest of the new books!