Hi Everyone,

This is Jamie from the Youth Services team. While many of you are staying inside, I know that kiddos can be getting pretty bored. I have been posting a lot of things to my personal Facebook, but I thought it would be a great resource for me to compile a lot of these resources for your use at home! Don’t forget, we will be sporadically posting content like stories and songs on our social media, so please be checking for that! 

I thought that for some of you, it might also be an opportune time to learn a new language. Did you know that you can use Mango Languages for free through the library? If you go to our main page at FloydLibrary.org and Click on “Resources” at the top, you’ll come to a page that says “Reference Resources.” Scroll to the bottom of that page and click on the button in the middle that says, “View Research and Databases Page.” Once there, you can scroll down a bit and you will see a box on the right that says “Languages.” Click where it says “Click to Expand” and you will see a link for Mango Languages. You will need to create an account, or continue as a guest, but I personally recommend creating an account so you can save your progress and pick up where you leave off each time you visit. If that’s not for you, here are a lot of other great resources going online during this time. I’ve included the links for your convenience. Check out one or all of them: 





  • Slow Down @ the Speed: The Speed has begun to include images so their podcast can be enjoyed at home. Be sure to tag them! @speedartmuseum #MuseumfromHome
  • Virtual Museum Resources: Here is an extensive list from Museum Computer Network (MCN). The list includes links to virtual tours/online exhibits, content especially for kids, online collections, digital archives & libraries, and more.

Parks & Zoos: 

Other Websites: 

  • Bedtime Math: Simple math questions you can discuss at bedtime broken down by age group.
  • Wonderopolis: Each day, a simple question is posed and is explored in different ways. 
  • WhatDoWeDoAllDay: A giant list of indoor activities.


Stay safe and be well, everyone!