Autoimmune diseases run rampant in the world today and it seems that new ones are being discovered all the time.  I was recently diagnosed with an autoimmune disease that most doctors haven’t even heard of, let alone know how to treat.  So, I did what any librarian would do.  I began researching for myself.  I have thus far read two books that we have here in our library and I think that they’re fantastic at explaining autoimmune diseases and how they effect your body.  They are also great resources for what you can do to put autoimmune diseases into remission.  These books are:

Eat Dirt: Why Leaky Gut May the Root Cause of Your Health Problems and 5 Surprising Steps to Cure It

by Dr. Josh Axe


327 pages





The Hidden Plague: A Holistic Field Guide to Managing Hidradenitis Supperativa and Other Skin and Autoimmune Conditions

by Tara Grant


309 pages





We have several other books here at the library that are on my radar to look at next.  I recommend these resources for anyone who has an autoimmune disease, or thinks they may have one.  Even if you don’t, they are useful guides for eating and living healthy.  If you are completely unfamiliar with autoimmune diseases, I have listed some below, as well as some that are suspected to be autoimmune.  Click on one and it will take you to a list of library materials related to the specific disease.  This is not a comprehensive list, as there are many, but this does illustrate the wide range of autoimmune diseases.

I did see a dermatologist who specializes in my particular issue to get a diagnosis and go over my treatment options.  However, having researched the topic made me much more confident that I was making the right decisions for me.  I highly recommend seeing a doctor if you think you may have an autoimmune disease.  These resources are just guides to help you on your journey to healing.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]