Staff members working in the Indiana History Room are asked a variety of questions on a daily basis.  Many of these questions pertain to house history.  When was my house built?  Did anyone famous ever live in my house?  Was my house a grocery store in a past life?  How can I find out if any renovations have been done to my house?  These are just some of the questions asked.

At Pizza & Preservation, you can learn how to research to find the answers to these questions and many others!  We will cover lots of available resources, including deeds and abstracts, city directories, maps, Elevate, building permits, vertical files, and photographs!  Whether you are gathering information before renovating your home, or you just want to know more about its history, Pizza & Preservation is an awesome workshop to help you fulfill your house history needs.

Registration is required.  To register, contact Indiana Landmarks at (812) 284-4534 or  Click here for more information.

If you can’t make it to Pizza & Preservation, we would still love to help you research your house!  Please come by any time during the Indiana History Room’s operating hours and ask us to show these amazing resources to you!